Friday, December 08, 2006

Continued Studies; 07/14/2006 (Human Animal? Cognitive Thought A Disease?)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


In transforming some of my other notes into document form, it is that I found a bit more insight into what I am currently exploring and observing as per recent journal entries- Aside form the growing consumer mentality within society - in a larger sense in regard to human progress I realize (especially after again considering my perspectives as per Proximity Gestation in regard to species) that a similar dynamic is transpiring.

From the perspective of my opinion pertaining to elemental levels of human/animal strains within any given species - I realize that even within our seemingly innate tendency to purify the human element, in reality we are really only refining a better human animal. This I see as partly being due to the focus and use of instincts in choosing the stronger mate.

We actually employ that animal element in such decisions, which in turn then must be satisfied as per said animal instinct in relation directly to human standards (monetary wealth, career potential), which in turn then contributes to the refinement of the human animal more than the refinement of the human element. ~

The progression of digression (as explored previously) then adding exponentially to this effect in refining the human animal instead of the human potential.

Being able to discern this - is it then really necessary to attempt to refine or purify the human strain? Especially considering the common method so similar to animals that we seemingly gravitate toward in selective breeding?

Such is obviously an inate, even un-recognized tendency within human development - But, given our ability and capacity to recognize such - does that not mean we then have the option of NOT pursuing such tendencies toward and in such directions?

What reasons have we in such efforts? Isn't what we are, enough?

Obviously we don't even maximize out human potentials now - why then adhere to the seemingly instinctual tendencies to separate ourselves from those animal elements? In light as well, of the manner in which we simultaneously employ them? And further in the fact that all we have managed to achieve within such efforts, is in promoting the refinement of the human animal instead of promoting the progress of the human potential?

If this is all that there is, then why would we seemingly be pre-disposed to such instinctive betterment? ~

Our normal tendency then, in following that animal instinct 9especially the topical manipulations of it - money, credit cards) in regard to mating - then means, again, that our modern direction isn't in promoting the refinement and progress of the human element, but in promoting the refinement of the human animal.

Although it is a human animal that somehow manages to maintain the self imposed posturing of some difference away from the animal species through self imposed standards and rules now having no real meaning beyond the mechanical fulfillment of motion... to then continue the promotion of human animal traits within those confines.

This being obvious in the mentioned influence within decisions being made due to that animal element of our existence.

In our current physiological and physical approach to procreation - we aren't actually refining or bettering humanity or our species at all - only insuring that, within the animal instinct, the better human animal will continue their strain.

This points to an even greater contradiction which is within the paradox of our existence; Why do we then continue to even posture at civility when quite truthfully it seems only implemented (most times as some excuse/posturing) to then be circumvented in the interest of those animal tendencies throughout the species? This transpiring beyond the idea in the levels of something such as civil disobedience. Taking place in extremes within areas directly benefiting from human progress.

If such established human standards (sport even) aren't tools for the progress of humanity and only remain as tools to support and maintain that animal element - why then continue to posture of some lofty station which is associated with the idea of humanity?

Why not simply return to the outright brutality of animal like existence?

Curious that one species (the human species) is the only one on the planet with the ability to make war, music, visual art - all for pleasure. finding ourselves most often weighed in the worst aspects of each and all of them. Seemingly in the interest of maintaining the apparent advantage with the promotion and use of that animal element. ~

Further then, again - perhaps cognitive thought is actually a disease of sorts (as previously explored briefly ) - as it takes no effort to maintain or promote the animal aspects of humanity.

Wouldn't that suggest that in fact - the presence of intellect, cognitive thought, is actually the transgression needing maintenance to continue and progress in the ever present tendency of humans (humanity) to digress into animal like reasoning and existence?

Such would definitely make it plausible to consider cognitive thought as an affliction. A sickness.

Perhaps even a breach of the type we have yet the ability to understand?


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